Zone Seven

The Numeral 7

The figure seven (7) includes the only pure diagonal to be found amongst the numeral figures (and depends upon this oblique line to differentiate it from the numeral ‘1,' as also to break it's rotational bond with the (upper-case) letter ‘L'). It is ideographically connected to the lightning-stroke, and related by composition to the (similarly associated) letter ‘Z.'

The figure ‘7' designates the number seven, the fourth odd number (with odditude of one), and the fourth prime (seventh prime = 17).

Seven digitally cumulates to twenty-eight.

Numeric Keypad direction: North-West.

The biblical importance of the number seven is established at the beginning of Genesis, with the religious derivation of the seven-day week (from the six days of creation +1). Jewish mysticism deepens this association between seven and sacred time with an account of seven discarded creations (preceding the current one, and cast into the abyss). The number seven is also notably prominent in Revelation (where it is referred to the seven ancient churches, to the seven angels, seven seals, seven last plagues, seven vials of wrath, and to the seven heads of the great beast (which perhaps refer - in turn - to the seven hills of Rome)). The heptamania of Revelation is the probable source of the structurally ambivalence of seven within popular Christianity, where it is attributed both to the seven cardinal virtues, and the seven deadly sins.

A crescendo of seven-obsession is found in the Theosophical writings of Madame Blavatsky, who divides the cosmic process into seven phases, each characterized by one of seven sequential ‘root races.' Blavatsky draws from biblical sources, but is more directly influenced (through the teachings of her ‘Ascended Tibetan Masters') by the usage of the number seven in a variety of Eastern religions (including the Hindu seven worlds, seven divine mothers, and seven Rishis - or sages -, the seven Buddhas, and the seven Shinto gods of good fortune).

Religious and mystical investments of the number seven are closely connected to the seven planets of classical astronomy and traditional astrology (from which the phrase ‘seventh heaven' is derived). In recent times, the Seven Sisters (or Pleiades) have taken up an increasing proportion of this cosmic-numerical freight.

The triplicate reiteration of the number seven is used as the title for Alistair Crowley's book of numbers, 777 (a number corresponding to the gematria value of the law of Thelema according to Alphanumeric Qabbala).

The Seventh Planet: Uranus

Uranus (or Sol-7) has a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 2 870 990 000 km. The Uranian year is a little over 84 Earth-years in length. Its day lasts for roughly seventeen and one quarter hours.

Uranus has five large moons, plus at least ten smaller ones. The two largest moons - Oberon and Titania - were discovered by Herschel in 1787. It also has a ring-system involving eleven known bands (the five most prominent of these are designated by the Greek letters from Alpha to Epsilon).

The rotation of Uranus is abnormally tilted, and is almost perpendicular to the ecliptic, warping its magnetic field.

The bluish colour of Uranus is ascribed to absorption of red-light by atmospheric methane.

In Greek mythology Uranus was the god of the heavens, incestuous son of Gaia and father of Cronos (Saturn), the other Titans, the Cyclops, the hundred-headed giants, and others. Led by Cronos, the Titans killed and mutilated Uranus, spawning the Furies from his blood (and Aphrodite from his severed genitals).

In recent times Uranus has become the butt of infantile scatalogical humour.

In Lemurian Planetwork Uranus is astrozygonomously paired with Venus.

System Notes

Zone-7 is the fifth of the six Torque-region Zones of the Numogram, and Tractor-Zone of the 8-1 (or 'Surge') Current. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-2. The 7+2 Syzygy is carried by the demon Oddubb, whose associations with hyperstitious doublings reinforces its twin character.

Zone-7 both initiates and envelops the Seventh-Phase of Pandemonium (including 128 impulse-entities). In its initiatory aspect - as the Seventh Door - Zone-7 opens onto the cosmic swamp-labyrinths or 'Tracts of Dobo.' Muvian sorcery attributes this door to the amphidemon (and imp of the first degree) Puppo (7::0).

The Seventh Gate (Gt-28) feeds Zone-7 back to Zone-1, and this tendency to precipitate 'fold-type' time-anomalies accounts for its Black-Atlantean name 'Gate of Relapse.' The Channel corresponding to the Seventh Gate is one of three concluding in Zone-1, and the only counter-cyclic path within the Torque. The aquassasins of Hyper-C fetishize this gate in their bizarre mysteries of the Bubble Pod.

Zone-7 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0127.

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-7 with emergence from the depths (hyper-sea water-carriers and amphibious colonization).

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-7 onto the active side of the Second (or Right) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the light aspect of Genesis (‘creative influences’) it corresponds to genealogy, ancestor worship and inherited wealth.

Stillwell links Zone-7 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘pb’ (the Horowitzean ‘compounded plosive’).

Her ethno-topography of the Nma allocates Zone-4 to the coastal swamps of the Dib Nma, and through the Mu Nma hydrocycle mythos to salt-water marshes.

Zone-7 totem animals are predominantly of the chubby batrachian (burping toad) type.

Phase-7 Lemurs

[M#21] 7::0 Puppo
[M#22] 7::1 Bubbamu
[M#23] 7::2 Oddubb
[M#24] 7::3 Pabbakis
[M#25] 7::4 Ababbatok
[M#26] 7::5 Papatakoo
[M#27] 7::6 Bobobja