Zone Four

The Numeral 4

There are two basic versions of the figure, one ‘open' and the other closed into a triangle. The former design is echoed in the symbol for the planet Jupiter. It is the latter (instantiated here) that figurally relates four to the sign for delta (fourth letter of the Greek alphabet), and accounts for the fact that in certain hacker numerolects it is substituted for the (upper-case) letter ‘A.'

The figure ‘4' designates the number four, the second even number, and first non-prime (or complex) natural number, with prime factors of 2 x 2. (The fourth prime = 7).

The triangular summation - or digital cumulation - of four equals ten (numerologically identified with a superior power of unity, classically conceived as the pythagorean Tetrakys). The pre-eminences of four - as ‘first' non-prime and ‘first' square - are formally or germinally anticipated by unity.

Four digitally cumulates to ten (see above).

Numeric Keypad direction: West.

Due to the internal redundancy of its dual symmetry (2 x 2 = 2 + 2 = 4), four is commonly conceived as the model outcome of calculation - as indicated by the phrase ‘putting two and two together.'

The dominant associations of the number four are balance and stability, exemplified by the ‘four-square' - or solidary - structure of four walls, wheels, or quadrupedal support, as well as by the ‘four-four beats' of rigidly metric dance-music. It is this sense of quadrature that predominates in the four elements (earth, air, water, fire), the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west), and the four DNA bases (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine). A similar fourfold typology is expressed by the four suits of the playing-card pack (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades). Four is also associated with temporal stability - or cyclic regeneration - , as evidenced by the four seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), four classical ages (those of gold, silver, bronze, and lead), and in Hindu culture, far more intricately, by the four Yugas (those of Krita, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali). The system of the Yugas is a fully elaborated quadro-decimal system (highly suggestive in relation to the Tetrakys).

Within the Judaeo-Christian tradition the number four is invested with extraordinary significance, from the four letters of the Tetragrammaton, through the four gospels, to the four great ‘Zoas' and four horsemen of apocalypse. The biblical time - of both old and new testaments - places particular importance on the period of forty days (e.g. the duration of the flood, and of Jesus' temptation in the desert). This privileging of quadrate order - as the ground-plan of the temple - is also instantiated by the masonic ‘square.'

The number four is also of special importance to Buddhism, as exemplified by the ‘four noble truths' of its basic doctrine, and by the typical (quadrate) design of the mandala. On the flip-side the number four is connected with excess (the fourth dimension), anomaly (the four-leafed clover), and vulgarity (four-letter words).

The Fourth Planet: Mars

Mars (or Sol-4) has a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 228 000 000 km. The Martian year is roughly twice as long as that of Earth, and its day about 30 minutes longer.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.

In popular legend Mars has long been envisaged as the home of intelligent alien life. Recent examples include the ‘canals' discovered by Percival Lowell, the fictions of H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the Cydonia ‘face' (based on images from the 1976 Viking missions). Mars is widely seen as a plausible candidate for human colonization. It has also become notorious for cursed space-missions.

In August 1996 scientists announced the discovery of Martian nanoworms in a ancient meteorite (cat. ALH84001).

In Roman mythology Mars (a latinization of the Greek Ares) is the god of war, and father of Romulus (legendary founder of Rome). Mars is commemorated by the month of March.

In Lemurian Planetwork Mars is astrozygonomously paired Jupiter.

System Notes

Zone-4 is the third of the six Torque-region Zones of the Numogram. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-5. The 5+4 Syzygy is carried by the demon Katak (see Zone-5).

Zone-4 both initiates and envelops the Fourth-Phase of Pandemonium (including 16 impulse-entities). This equation of phase-population with the square of the zone-number establishes an exceptional solidarity between the two, although this rigidity has as its flip-side a tendency to cataclysmic instability. In its initiatory aspect Zone-4 functions as the Fourth Door (or 'Time-Delta,' familiar from variations of the Kurtz-mythos as 'the worst place in the world'). Muvian sorcery attributes this door to the amphidemon (and imp of the first degree) Krako (4::0).

The Fourth Gate (Gt-10) feeds Zone-4 forward to Zone-1. Its ancient (proto-Atlantean) name the 'Gate of Submergence' hints at its interlocking associations with completion, catastrophe, subsidence, and decadence. The Channel corresponding to the Fourth Gate is one of three concluding in Zone-1, and the only pro-cyclic channel within the Torque. Its course reinforces the 5-4 (or 'Sink') Current in its rush towards termination, and augments the weight of destiny (it was under the influence of this line that Cecil Curtis departed upon his fatal journey into the land of the Tak Nma).

Zone-4 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0015.

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-4 with ‘delta-phase’ or terminal deliria (Kurtz/Curtis end-of-the-river disintegration into malarial nightmares), geoconvulsions, continental subsidence, and ‘red-out.’

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-4 onto the passive side of the Third (or Left) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the dark aspect of Apocalypse (‘destructive influences’) it corresponds to random calamity.

Stillwell links Zone-4 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘skr,’ which Horowitz identifies as an anthropo-reptiloid precursor to the qabbalistic ‘hard resh.’

Stillwell’s ethno-topography of the Nma allocates Zone-4 to the volcanic jungles of the Tak Nma, and through the Mu Nma hydrocycle mythos to riverine flow.

Zone-4 totem animals are typified by cats and dogs, especially in their predatory mode. Among the Tak Nma rabid animals are given particular prominence.

Phase-4 Lemurs

[M#06] 4::0 Krako
[M#07] 4::1 Sukugool
[M#08] 4::2 Skoodu
[M#09] 4::3 Skarkix