The figure three (3) is semi-iconic (incorporating a stack of three horizontal strokes). It is quasisymmetric with the (upper-case) letter ‘E,' and partially echoed in the figure ‘8' (designating the third power of two). Figural grammarians consider it to involve a progression of compressive folding beyond ‘1' and ‘2.'
The figure ‘3' designates the number three, the second odd number (with odditude of 1), and second prime (third prime = 5).
Three is the square-root of nine (relating it intimately to Barkerian arithmetic and Zygonovism).
Three digitally cumulates to six.
Three is itself the sum of the three preceding natural numbers (0 + 1 + 2 = 3), demonstrating a unique affinity with numerical triangularity.
Numeric Keypad direction: South-East.
A peculiarly obsessive triadic numeracy is evidenced in the vulgar (‘zygotriadic') calendar of the Mu Nma.
The number three is unique for both the intensity and diversity of its cross-cutting hyperstitious investments. It is associated on the right hand with numerological completeness and transcendence, and on the left hand with the middle, the between, and the diagonal line.
Prevalent triplicities include (amongst many others) the three dimensions of manifest time (past, present, future) and space (height, length, depth), the triad game (paper, scissors, stone), the Atlantean Tridentity (Nunnil-Ixor, Domu-Loguhn, Hummpa-Taddum), the Hindu trimurty (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) and gunas (rajas, tamas, and sattva), the alchemical elements (salt, sulphur, and mercury), the Christian trinity (Father, Son, Holy ghost), the stages of formalized dialectic (thesis, antithesis, synthesis), the oedipal triangle (daddy, mummy, me), and the three virtuous monkeys (blind, deaf, and mute to evil). History exhibits strong tendencies towards a triadic order of the world, both in the realm of mythology (heaven, hell, limbo), and in that of geopolitics (first-, second-, and third-world). The extraordinary numinousness of the number three is also indicated by ethnomes such as tribalism, tributaries, trickery, and trials, the three body problem, three wishes, three fates, three graces, the third-eye, and the arch-magician (Hermes) Trismegistus.
Atlantean sources relate the cultural dominance of the number three to the fact that Alpha Centauri is a triple system.
Earth (or Sol-3) has a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 149 600 000 km, defining the standard Astronomical Unit (AU). Its orbital period (of approx. 365.2422 Earth days) and rotational period (approx. 24 hours) are used as the basis of terrestrial calendrics (along with the period of its satellitic - lunar - orbit), and traditionally for time-keeping (now supplanted by atomic clocks).
The Earth has one moon - Luna - of abnormal size relative to that of the planet, and exercizing considerable influence, principally through tidal forces. Lunar influences - such as that evident in the human ovulatory cycle - have consolidated deep cultural associations between the moon, oceans, women, blood, sorcery, and madness (lunacy).
The Earth is the densest major body in the Solar-system. It is polarized by a moderate magnetic field which reverses intermittently (once or twice every million years). By the end of the second millennium of the Common Era the Earth was still the only known source of life in the Universe.
Prior to the Copernican revolution (in the C16th) the Earth was considered to be the centre of the Solar-system - and even of the universe - by the dominant cultures of mankind (an orthodoxy ruthlessly defended by the Christian Church among others).
Alone amongst the Planets, the Earth is not named after a Greek or Roman deity. The name ‘Earth' is of Anglogermanic origin. (The Greek goddess Gaia is increasingly evoked as the name for Earth conceived as a living macro-entity, provoked in part by systemic - or ‘ecospheric' - changes in climate, atmosphere, and biodynamics).
In Lemurian Planetwork the Earth is astrozygonomously paired with Saturn.
Zone-3 is the first of the two Warp-region Zones of the Numogram, and Tractor-Zone of the 6-3 (or 'Warp') Current. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-6. This 6+3 Syzygy is carried by the demon Djynxx (see Zone-6). Zone-3 provides the terminus for two channels, one each from the Torque (the 2nd), and the Warp (the 6th).
Zone-3 both initiates and envelops the Third-Phase of Pandemonium (including 8 impulse-entities). In the first of these aspects it functions as the Third Door, which opens onto the Swirl, and is attributed by Muvian sorcery to the chaotic xenodemon (and imp of the first degree) Ixix (3::0).
The Third Gate (Gt-6) twists Zone-3 through Zone-6, with its corresponding channel vortically complementing that of the Sixth Gate (Gt-21), and also the Warp-Current itself, thus adding an increment of spin to the entire region. Horovitz invests Zone-3 with a particular potency of intrinsic coincidence, since its second cumular power (6) is also the number of its Syzygetic double (through which he accounts for the compact tension of the Warp system).
Mu Tantrism plots Warp-region intensities onto the plane of the third-eye.
Zone-3 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0007.
Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-3 with swirling nebulae (cosmic dust clouds) and alien pattern. The intensity of vortical involvement with Zone-6 problematizes distinct characterization.
Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-3 onto the active side of the Fourth (or Crown) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the light aspect of Fortune (‘far future’) it corresponds to extrinsic fatality, unexpected messages, and xenosignal.
Stillwell links Zone-3 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘zx.’ It designates the ‘buzz-cutter’ sonics which Horowitz describes as a ‘swarming insectoid reversion within mammalian vocality.’
[M#-03] 3::0 Ixix
[M#-04] 3::1 Ixigool
[M#-05] 3::2 Ixidod