Zone Two

The Numeral 2

The figure two (2) is quasisymmetric with the figure five (5). This pairing is echoed in the alphabet by the letters ‘Z' and ‘S' (whose shared consistency across case and phonetic coherence has been taken by figural grammarians as indicative of a zygophidian - or ‘forked-tongue' - cultural source).

The figure ‘2' designates the number two, the first and definitive even number, and the first prime (second prime = 3).

The encounter with the irrationality of the square-root of two has special importance in the disturbance of Hellenic (‘rationalistic') arithmetic. It is rumoured that the Pythagoreans resorted to assassination in their attempt to suppress this discovery.

Two digitally cumulates to three.

Numeric Keypad direction: South

The mechanical importance of bi-stable (on/off) micro-states within contemporary electronic data-systems has resulted in a vast and diffuse cultural investment in modulus-2 numeracy (pure place-value semiotics). ‘Digital' and ‘binary-coded' have now become almost synonymous in their colloquial usage.

Perhaps the supreme exemplar of a binary-numeric system is that of the ancient Chinese I Ching (or ‘book of changes'), which involves both binary numeracy (of broken and unbroken lines) and double-numbering (of numeric hexagrams tagged by a series of ordinal numbers). It is Leibniz' study of this text which elaborates the first Western example of modern binary arithmetic.

The syzygetic (or zygonomous) power of two is a productive of an entire series of subtly differentiated binary concepts, which include: coupling, twinning, doubling, polarity, schism, contrast, balance, opposition, and reflection.

Binarity is multiply ambivalent. It conspires with both the certainties of analytical reason in general, by way of two-value logics (governed by the principle of the ‘excluded middle'), and also the uncertainties of dialogue, or ‘two-way' communication. It is associated - equally or unequally - with both justice (even-handedness, seeing both sides of a ‘dilemma'), and deceit (two-faced, two-timing, double-dealing ...).

Duality is particularly widespread within biological order, from the ‘base-pairs' of (RNA and) DNA code, through the binary fission of bacterial propagation, the (binary) sexual difference of meiotic reproduction, to the bilateral symmetry of the typical vertebrate organism with consequent pairing of limbs (arms, legs), sense-organs (eyes, ears), lungs, brain-hemispheres, etc. ‘Dual-organization' provides a basic model for primordial human kinship structure.

Many aspects of binarity are prominent within religious systems, whether gods with two heads or faces (such as the Roman Janus, and the Deleuze-Guattari gods of the State), twin gods (the Dogon Nommo, or the Zoroastrian couple Ahriman/Ormuzd), divine couples (god-goddess pairings being widespread throughout many religions), and twice-born gods (both Zeus and Dionysos amongst the Greek pantheon, for instance). Hindu culture describes Brahmins as ‘twice-born.'

The Second Planet: Venus

Venus (or Sol-2) has a mean orbital distance from sun of 108.2 million km. The Venusian year is approx. 224.4 Earth days in length. Since the rotation of Venus is very slow (and also retrograde) a Venusian day (lasting 243 Earth-days) is longer than its year.

In recent times Venus has become the exemplary victim of a ‘runaway greenhouse effect' which has rendered it infernal (with a uniform surface temperature of +462 degrees celsius).

Venus has no magnetic field.

Venus has been historically identified by two different names, known as the morning star (Phosphorous or Lucifer) when seen in the East at sunrise, and the evening star (Hesperus) when seen in the West at sunset. The Roman goddess Venus (a latinization of the greek Aphrodite) was the deity associated with female beauty and love (accounting in part, perhaps, for Burroughs' hatred of Venusians).

In Lemurian Planetwork Venus is astrozygonomously paired with Uranus.

System Notes

Zone-2 is the second of the six Torque-region Zones of the Numogram. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-7. This 7+2 Syzygy is carried by the demon Oddubb (see Zone-7).

Zone-2 both initiates and envelops the Second-Phase of Pandemonium (including 4 impulse-entities). With cryptic rigor Horovitz thus describes Zone-2 as "reduplicating its double-twinness though its multitude." As initiator it functions as the Second Door, invoked by K-goth cults as the "Main Lo-Way" into the Crypt. Muvian sorcery identifies this door with the amphidemon (and imp of the first degree) Duoddod (2::0).

The Second Gate (Gt-3) connects Zone-2 to Zone-3, and its corresponding channel draws an intense line of escape from the Torque to the Warp. This passage is especially compelling, since it is multiply consolidated by cumulation, prime-ordination, and mesh-tagging. Tzikvik shamanism both honours and fears the Second Gate as the opening to the "way of the Storm-Worm."

Zone-2 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0003.

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-2 with crypt-navigation, occulted cyberspace and the spectral / liminal populations of hallucination and time fragmentation (greys, ghosts and zombies). Zone-2 mirrors Zone-5 and shares in its ‘Hyperborean’ themes of time-lapse and abduction.

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-2 onto the eclipsed side of the Second (or Right) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the dark aspect of Genesis (‘creative influences’) it corresponds to epidemic fertility (bacterial fission, clones, replicants, vampiric contagion).

Stillwell links Zone-2 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘dt’ (the Horowitzean ‘imploded fricative/fractured plosive’).

Stillwell’s ethno-topography of the Nma allocates Zone-2 to the interior marshlands of the Dib Nma, and through the Mu Nma hydrocycle mythos to mist, vaporization and hazing.

Zone-2 totem animals are modelled on metamorphic insects, principally lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) but also dragonflies and dibboma flashbugs.

Phase-2 Lemurs

[M#01] 2::0 Duoddod
[M#02] 2::1 Doogu