Zone One

The Numeral 1

The figure one (1) - elaborated from a simple vertical stroke - is at least semi-ideographic as a relic tally-mark (basically identical in this respect to the Roman numeral . I'). This figure has obvious phallic resonance (especially in contrast to the sign for zero (0)). Its relation to the figure seven (7) is supported by numerological analyses (since seven cumulated (28) reduces to one).

The figure . 1' designates the number one, first odd number (with odditude of aleph-null), and the zeroth prime (first prime = 2)..

One is the lowest cardinal number, and the first ordinal.

One digitally cumulates to one.

Numeric Keypad direction: South-West.

In modulus-2 systems the numeral one bears all (non-zero) values (corresponding to powers of two). Binary informatic systems code electronic 'on' as 'one.'

The number one is exceptionally multivalent. It has two basic cardinal values - both deriving from its status as the smallest, basic, or irreducible factor defining the natural number series - that of the elementary, the atom, the unit or module - 'one alone' - and also that of the whole, the complete, unity as totality, the universe. Its ordinal value as first, primary, principal, or initial is fractured by the ordinal function of zero, but retains much of its ancient dignity as the beginning of the counting series.

In addition one bears a diversity of quasinumerical and logical associations, including self-identity ('oneself,' 'one and the same'), nondifferentitation, uniqueness ('one of a kind'), logical universality, uniformity, and - at a further remove, or more problematically - singularity (anomaly, exception), and the unilateral ('one-sided,' unbalanced, disequilibriated).

One also has a complicated syntactical-linguistic usage that interlinks with its numerical and logical functions. In particular it operates as a carrier of nominal and indefinite reference ('the one that,' 'someone or anyone,' 'once upon a time'), which extends also to relation ('one another').

Within monotheistic cultures One attains a supreme dignity, identifying God directly with 'the One' (or 'the Old One'). In this context one is bound to the 'I am that I am' of YHVH, and to the absolute concentration of religion within the assertion that 'there is no God but God.' H P Lovecraft upsets this exclusive and definitive sense of the One by reintroducing the plural and multiple, whether grammatically as in the case of 'the Old Ones,' or thematically, as in that of Yog Sothoth, who is described as the 'all in one, and one in all.'

The First Planet: Mercury

Mercury is the innermost planet of the Solar-system (with a mean orbital distance from the sun of approx. 58 000 000 km). The mercurian year (approx. 88 Earth-days in length) is also the swiftest, which accounts for it's use as the base calculative unit in planetwork calendrics.

Due to it's long day (approx. 58.7 Earth-days in length) Mercury has semi-permanent light and dark sides (with average temperatures of +430 and -180 degrees celsius respectively).

Mercury has a weak magnetic field (approx 1% the strength of Earth's).

In Roman mythology Mercury (a latinization of the greek Hermes) is known as the messenger of the gods, associated with communication and trade.

The element Mercury (or 'quicksilver,' symbol Hg) has particular alchemical importance, shared in Indian yogic traditions (where it is ritually ingested to produce an anorganic cosmic body).

In Lemurian Planetwork Mercury is astrozygonomously paired with Neptune.

System Notes

Zone-1 is the first of the six Torque-region Zones of the Numogram, and Tractor-Zone of the 5-4 (or 'Sink') Current. Its Syzygetic-twin is Zone-8. This 8+1 Syzygy is carried by the demon Murmur (see Zone-8). Zone-1 provides the terminus for three Torque-channels (the 1st, 4th, and 7th).

Zone-1 both initiates and envelops the First-Phase of Pandemonium (including 2 impulse-entities). This phase consists of nothing beyond the Zone (1) and the Door (1::0), thus tending to a highly 'idealized' state. Zone-1 has a particularly powerful and manifest initiatory dimension. The First Door - or 'Door of Doors'- is attributed by Muvian sorcery to the amphidemon (and imp of the first degree) Lurgo (1::0) 'the Initiator,' and widely related to Legba (the first and last Loa to be invoked in any vudu ceremony).

The First Gate (Gt-01) connects Zone-1 to itself, and its corresponding channel provides a reduced microcosmic model of the Torque as a whole, in which Zone-1 provides both beginning and end. In this respect Horovitz describes Zone-1 'turning forever into itself.'The resulting metastability of this channel accounts for its strong associations with all known variants of the Bubble-Pod mythos.

Mu Tantrism plots Zone-1 intensities onto the Dorsal (or Thoracic) level of the spine, which maps onto the domain of lunged creatures (and colonization of the land).

Zone-1 is allotted the Sarkonian Mesh-Tag 0001 (matching the primordial click of Tzikvik cipher-shamanism).

Lemurian subcultures associate Zone-1 with (meta)static pod-deliria and techno-immortalism. It maintains relatively recent religious structures patterned on transcendent-oppressor ‘sky-god’ divinity, as well as harboring the more archaic gnosis of the shelled ‘old one’ who supports the world (turtle cults).

Centauri subdecadence maps Zone-1 onto the palpable side of the First (or Center) Pylon on the Atlantean Cross. As the light aspect of Anamnesis (‘memories and dreams’) it corresponds to enduring ideas, historical time and remembrance (recall).

Stillwell links Zone-1 to the Munumese quasiphonic particle ‘gl,’ emanating from the sublaryngeal region (the Horowitzean ‘collapsed gargle’ or ‘glottal spasm,’ a relic from lost gilled/gulping life-forms).

Stillwell’s ethno-topography of the Nma allocates Zone-1 to the coral atolls of the Mu Nma, and through their hydrocycle mythos to shallow seas.

Zone-1 totem animals are drawn from the spectrum of armored fish creatures (combining a basic icthyoid model with traits extracted from crustaceans, mollusks and gastropods).

Phase-1 Lemurs

[M#00] 1::0 Lurgo